In April 2024, Kamala was hospitalized for severe pain which a month ealier, initially thinking it was a bladder infection or cystitis and following advice, Kam had attempted to treat topically with castor oil. After several days alone, and in great pain, she made it to Emergency at Whangarei Hospital and a after 23 days and two surgeries later revealed life-changing, some could say devastating, news. The " bladder infection" was in fact two bilateral dermoid tumours of 15cm and 10cm wrapped around her ovaries, also known more accurately as " teratomas", and after urgent surgery in which the cancerous tumour was ruptured intraoperatively (this information was withheld) to remove them and do tissue tests, Kam was diagnosed with: " Ovarian Squamous Cell Carcinoma arising from mature teratoma"; a very rare and aggressive cancer. Not just a mouthful, but also misleading in name, this cancer is more akin to an internal skin cancer, more so than overtly related or limited to the ovaries.
Traumatically, only 48 hours after the first major surgery, Kamala was forced to undergo a second emergency surgery to remove a tangled drain that was internally wrapped around her insides and unable to be pulled out.
This shocking medical error is just the beginning of many!

Once recovered enough from the first diagnostic and tumour removal surgery, a further surgery ensued to investigate any further spread of cancer and remove whatever was found to be affected ( tissues of any systems, organs ! etc.). The primary surgery carefully assessed what affected tissues and organ systems to prudently remove while balancing " quality of life", remembering that Kam is a relatively young woman, and despite the daunting diagnosis, hopes remained for the best outcome of a long healthy life for Kam with as many important functional systems and organs intact as possible to accompany her along that journey.
While the team of surgeons did their best in surgery and indicated a positive outcome with a post-surgical "chemo mop-up", when transitioning to the medical oncology/chemo-doctor component in the " standard of care" model of the mainstream medical establishment, the news and recommendations where dismal. To be blunt, they told Kam no matter what she did, the cancer would come back, they gave her a dim prognosis of projected lifespan and as the cancer was so rare and there was no known specific protocol of treatment, they recommended a generic, standard course of general chemo in the effort to extend her life for an unknown amount of time and that within 5 yrs, Kamala was explicity told, "no matter what you do, chemo and immunotherapy, this cancer will take you out".
Another experimental treatment was also suggested; Keytruda immunotherapy, requiring Kam to go on a waitlist for a pre-determining Molecular Screening Test looking for changes in the DNA, to see if she was genetically compatible, but it too, wasn't considered curative by any stretch, just potentially life-extending by 6 months. In essence, " standard of care" in the NZ medical establishment was not offering much at all. We are currently awaiting the results of the MoST Trial. Consent was signed by Kam on the 31st October and results take up to 8 weeks to come in. mRNA results derived in India have already shown that immontherapy will NOT work in Kamala's case, however, the results of the 'living cells' tests will add further invaluable information regarding her type of cancer, what is driving it and what can kill it.
The day before signing up for the mOST trial, on the 30th October, Kam underwent another CT scan to match to her Baseline CT scan exactly 3 months prior.
Kam in a previous existance has worked for years in research fields, mostly in University sectors, so while considering the suggested approaches, Kam who'd already been avidly researching her treatment options got very interested in Metabolic Therapy ( a perspective on the root-cause of cancer, with a particular protocol) and while working and camper-van building Kam self-funded ( with the assistance of some generous donations, thank you!) many holistic therapist appointments to find someone knowledgeable to support her, invested heavily in high-end targeted, nutraceutical supplements and followed a hardcore protocol strict diet, RSO etc. However, things proved quite challenging in New Zealand to fully engage this potentially life-saving protocol with critical components of treatment such as HBOT, IV C. Mistletoe injections etc. being both extremely expensive or banned in NZ, and the clinics offering these services were farflung throughout the entire country, meaning Kam would have to be travelling basically 24/7 to get the treatments she needed. Essentially, with little to absolutely no hope from the " Standard of Care" model, Kam did her very best to get the best possible treatments for the rare cancer, but it has turned out that life-saving treatment was completely untenable in New Zealand.
In fact on Monday the 4th November, after receiving the results of the most recent CT scan, it became clear that cancer was spreading rapidly and that Kam needed to be in " one-stop shop" clinical environment immediately not only with oncological experts who could medically access her unique but now critical situation accurately but with up-to-date, in-depth tests and data, BUT THEN ALSO be able to immediately administer and monitor life-saving treatment modalities, 'in-house', all in one place, with as much medical attention and care as-is possible in order to, be blunt: Save Kam's Life.
By this time, Kamala had absolutely lost all faith in medical team in NZ and immediately packed up her life and a small suitcase and got on a plane within 72 hours en-route to India, arriving on the 10th November.